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The  Team

Drew Ross
Head of Texas Hunting, Ross Trophy Outfitters

Drew has been in and around the hunting/outfitting industry for most of his life. Watching his dad, Perry, operate Ross Trophy Outfitters for the last 25 years.

As Ross Trophy and the Premier Ranch teamed up, Drew came on board to spearhead the partnership and run Texas hunting operations.

He and his wife, Paige, reside in Vardaman, Mississippi with their two boys, Bryant and Jack.

When booking hunts on any of our three Texas ranches, Drew will handle all of your arrangements.


Jed & Victoria Tedder
Ranch Foreman & Office Manager, Premier Ranch

Jed runs and oversees the three ranches. He is also head of operations for the cattle business of Haverlah Ranches.

Victoria manages the office and day-to-day administration for Premier Ranch. If you have any questions, please send her an email.

Jed and Victoria are all about family and enjoying time with their three children.

As both a hunting and cattle operation, we believe that the management of wildlife and livestock should mesh in a symbiotic relationship. To promote this kind of interconnectivity, the cultivation of soil and plant health, in addition to management of water resources, finds a place of eminent importance. By preserving and encouraging sources of food and water, we allow the wildlife population to thrive and grow.

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